The materials in this section of the website were adapted from Parents as Partners in their Children’s Learning produced by The Scottish Government, Crown Copyright 2006. They provide parents and schools with a practical resource to support partnership with parents in all aspects of children's learning. VCPAC would like to thank the Scottish Government for allowing us to adapt these materials for use by our parents.
These resources look at the ways parents and caregivers can be involved and include advice and practical materials to support parental involvement. The complete toolkit can be downloaded here in PDF format for easier printing.
The toolkit includes:
- Checklists
- Practice examples that can be used or adapted
- Activities
- Methods to help people identify issues and express their ideas
- Ways of resolving parental complaints/concerns
Who the toolkit is for
- Parents: there are ideas about how to get involved in their child's education and learning.
- Teachers and school staff: there are practical methods and good practice examples of how to develop effective partnerships with parents.
- PAC: there is material to support PAC development.
The toolkit will also be useful to other people who are helping parents and teachers work together to support children's learning. This might include community learning and development teams, family support staff, and learning support staff. It will be useful to all those people who have an interest in making the school a part of the community it serves, including students, children's extended families, and people from the local community.