Wednesday November 26, 2014
at 6:00 p.m. at S.J. Willis School, 923 Topaz Ave.
VCPAC is hosting a PAC Congress for all parents interested in increasing their engagement in student achievement. It will feature round table discussions designed to share expertise and allow opportunities to network with other parents. Parent leaders, PAC Executives and other parents wishing to be more actively involved in this part of their child’s life will not want to miss this exceptional opportunity. Some of the topics planned are shown below.
Trustee candidates were asked to provide a short bio as well as written responses to a series of questions. Their bios and the answers to our questions are as follows:
The Victoria Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (VCPAC) will be hosting two All Candidates Meetings for the public. These forum style meetings will allow the candidates to introduce themselves, and answer questions from the audience.
Wednesday, October 22nd from 7pm to 9pm at Esquimalt Community School
Wednesday, November 5th from 7pmto 9pm at Spectrum Community School
List of 2014 Trustee Candidates
For electors unable to vote on general election day, advance voting opportunities are planned. Consult your municipality for dates and times.
Township of Esquimalt
District of Oak Bay
District of Saanich
City of Victoria
Town of View Royal
The Victoria Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (VCPAC) originally proposed the concept of a “Classroom Resources Fund”, designed to meet the needs of all students, in January 2012. The BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) passed a resolution at its 2014 AGM calling for the new funding model.
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