This year the VIPC will be providing PAC participants with a kit to assist in making a presentation to their PACs and/or hosting a school level parent night to share information from the conference and show interested parents how they can be involved in the ongoing work of transforming our education system.
Your PAC can send a delegation to the conference who will return and host an educational event at your school. All you will need is a room, a laptop, a projector and access to the internet.
The presentation kit will include:
a link to allow you to access some of the conference workshops video recordings,
a summary of key ideas and concepts presented by our conference speakers,
a summary of ideas developed at the afternoon brainstorming session,
the list of questions used at the conference to stimulate the round-table discussions,
sample meeting agendas and formats for various meeting lengths,
a USB drive with conference handouts and other information.
The PAC, with the advice of its delegates, can decide which workshop segments will fit into their event. This flexibility will allow you to create presentations of various lengths. We recommend that after the presentation portion, you allow time for round table
discussions to capture ideas that will be useful in moving forward.
We anticipate that this program will encourage more parents to understand and become involved in the changes to our public education system.