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This year the VIPC will be providing PAC participants with a kit to assist in making a presentation to their PACs and/or hosting a school level parent night to share information from the conference and show interested parents how they can be involved in the ongoing work of transforming our education system.
Your PAC can send a delegation to the conference who will return and host an educational event at your school. All you will need is a room, a laptop, a projector and access to the internet.
The presentation kit will include:
 a link to allow you to access some of the conference workshops video recordings,
 a summary of key ideas and concepts presented by our conference speakers,
 a summary of ideas developed at the afternoon brainstorming session,
 the list of questions used at the conference to stimulate the round-table discussions,
 sample meeting agendas and formats for various meeting lengths,
 a USB drive with conference handouts and other information.
The PAC, with the advice of its delegates, can decide which workshop segments will fit into their event. This flexibility will allow you to create presentations of various lengths. We recommend that after the presentation portion, you allow time for round table

discussions to capture ideas that will be useful in moving forward.

We anticipate that this program will encourage more parents to understand and become involved in the changes to our public education system.

VCPAC 2015/16 Calendar of Meetings and Events


*note changes in red



Sep 29, 2015

McKenzie library

VCPAC General Meeting

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Oct 22, 2015

Victoria West library

VCPAC – PAC Chair Summit

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Oct 27, 2015

Torquay library   

VCPAC General Meeting

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Nov 26, 2015

Spectrum Cafeteria

PAC Congress

6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Nov 24, 2015

Strawberry Vale

VCPAC General Meeting

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Jan 26, 2016

Margaret Jenkins library

VCPAC General Meeting

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Feb 23, 2016

Campus View library

VCPAC General Meeting

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Feb 27, 2016

Royal Bay Secondary

Vancouver Island Parent Conference

8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Mar 29, 2016

Victoria High library

VCPAC General Meeting

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Apr 26, 2016

Cedar Hill library

VCPAC Annual General Meeting

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

May 24, 2016


VCPAC General Meeting and VCPAC Awards

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm


Note: Locations tentative until approved by school and rentals dept.

VCPAC is a full partner in education. According to the School act VCPAC is the official, recognized, parent voice in the district. Our organization elects it’s leadership annually, that is a high rate of accountability. Our official role is to advise the board on matters pertaining to the education of our children. In this district that is often done via district committee. Allow us to do our job. We represent the primary care givers of the people this system is in place to serve, teach and encourage to succeed in life. VCPAC represents the experts on your clients at the board. Please respect our position as your partner.

Over the past year I have become more keenly aware of the sometimes, but not always, nuanced jabs at VCPAC. I would like to call for a stop to that. Please stop misrepresenting details about our quorum at meetings. We have reached quorum for the last 10 meetings. That reaches back into last school year. Over the past 7 years we have met quorum over 73% of the time including 1 1/2 contentious years in that time frame. If you exclude that contentious time 2 years ago we meet quorum over 90% of the time. We meet quorum whenever there is something important to vote on and always at the AGM. Stop being dismissive and saying you would rather go through the principals to get parent feedback, it isn’t the principal’s job to get quality parent feedback. Stop assuming that VCPAC can only engage with parents at meetings held once a month, we are engaging all month long through many avenues of communication, building relationships. Stop saying we don’t represent the parents. We are working with our members, the PACs, to encourage parent engagement. We are increasing our connections with PACs and parents all the time. We are focused on student success. Enriching the lives of our children through our efforts.

Our members may have different ideas on how we can reach our goals, we have the full spectrum of opinions. We value all points of view but most of all we value our independence. We do all agree we are in this for our kids. We will always be on their side first, last and in the middle.

We will continue to respectfully engage with you in developing relationships that benefit our kids, the students. We will work diligently to find solutions to the hard to solve dilemmas facing our district and individual schools so that our kids will feel valued, safe and happy while learning from our other education partners. We will endeavor to increase our connections to parents in meaningful ways that add to the dialogue. We will support moving the education system forward to increase student success, what ever that looks like.

Let’s do what we teach our children at a very early age let’s get along, play nice and share. Let’s work harder to do better and stay focused on the reason we are here. It’s the right thing to do for our kids sake.

Congratulations to the 2015 VCPAC Award Winners:

Inspirational Student Award - Nicola

Gail Edwards Memorial Award - Anita Girvan and Narda Nelson

Parents' Choice Award - Jenn Horton, John DiCicco and Trevor McKenzie

Arkell Award - Wendy Payne and Laura Anderson

New Teacher Award of Distinction - Alison Calestagne

Fine Arts Champion Award - Alex Clark, Denver Rawson and Nathan Georgesen

School Partnership Award - David Hovis

To learn more about these spectacular people, visit:  http://vcpac.ca/vcpac-awards/award-winners

2015 - 2016 VCPAC Executive (effective June 1)

President - Audrey Smith

Vice-President - John Bird

Secretary - Wendy Joyce

Treasurer - Brena Robinson

Director - Swati Scott

Director - Norm Tandberg

Director - Ted Godwin

Director - Kami Bourgeois

Director - Vincenza Gruppuso