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Dear community members,

VCPAC  spoke with Shelly Green, Kim Morris and Marne Jensen this morning about the rapidly changing situation faced by our district and schools across the province.  

The District is in constant communications with the Ministry and its stakeholders, and are working to determine how best to continue to deliver education to our students in the not too distant future.   It will take some time to work out how to do so given the complexities involved.  Key considerations are restrictions on the number of persons who can meet at any one  time, capacities for remote education, supporting vulnerable populations and providing support for families of first line workers.  

Please look for and read carefully communications from the District and your School Principal over the coming weeks 

As parents our role is to focus on supporting our District and School community through a stressful time and to try to reduce the stress of social distancing on our families by creative and safe community building.    We are encouraged to be supports for our vulnerable families within our communities who rely on school resources.    

Also important is, for us as parents, to have reasonable expectations about what the school system can deliver and the time it takes to prepare alternate methods of education for delivery to our kids and communicate those changes to us. 

As School PACS are trying to figure out what to do about PAC events in May and June, the message from the District is to delay or cancel events at this time until the District has determined the framework for resumed regular educational services.  Once we know what that framework looks like we can then apply our tremendous energies.

Look into using web based conference tools to hold AGMS if the community feels that the events cannot be delayed or cancelled.  We understand Zoom is a good product.

VCPAC will work to identify key concerns and issues raised by our communities and bring them to the District. 

 If you would like to contribute your ideas or have feedback, you can email . please be patient as we work through this unique change to our school learning delivery.

On March 17, 2020 the Ministry of Education announced that K-12 in classroom instruction will be suspended indefinitely while the province works to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. We know that many parents have questions and concerns about the education of their children in the coming months. Provincial Leaders and School District Administrators are currently working together to discuss potential options and the appropriate course of action moving forward. On behalf of parents in our District, VCPAC is in contact with and will continue to liaise with the Superintendent and appropriate SD61 staff during this time. 
For parents who have any questions, concerns or thoughts about the current situation and plans for the future, VCPAC has set up a designated email address   from which we are collecting parent feedback that VCPAC will take to the School District to advocate on behalf of parents and students in our region.
To ensure your family stays informed, about the current situation within SD61, updates (when they are made available) are posted at:  https://www.sd61.bc.ca.
For information, updates and resources related to COVID-19 visit:  https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-feature/coronavirus-disease-covid-19

Congratulations to our new executive.  These positions will take effect June 1.

President Jodi Whiteman
Vice President Kristil Hammer
Secretary Amanda Panthaki
Treasurer Audrey Smith
Director Janine Konkel
Director Allison Bottomle
Director Jenn Sutton
Director Starr Munro