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2022/2023 Executive

Welcome to our newest executive members!  We still have openings for a secretary and one member at large.  If you are interested or would like more information, contact .

You may contact each executive member individually or send an email to  which will be sent to the group.

Tracy Humphreys (President) - 
Heather Currie (Vice-President) - 
Jodi Whiteman (Treasurer) - 
Paula Marchese (Member at Large) - 
Rachel McClellan (Member at Large) - 
Meredith Ruelle (Member at Large) -  

You may contact each executive member individually or send an email to  which will be sent to the group.

Braden Hutchins  ( )

  • President
  • Liaison to:  SD61 Board Meetings

Carlene Nex ( )

  • Vice-President
  • Liaison to:  

vacant ( )

  • Secretary
  • Liaison to: 

Nyssa Temmel ( )

  • Treasurer
  • Liaison to:  SD61 Education Policy and Directions Committee; SD61 Operations Policy and Procedures Committee

Meredith Ruelle  ( )

  • Member at Large
  • Liaison to: Climate Action Ad Hoc Commmittee

Glenn May ( )

  • Member at Large
  • Liaison to:  

Erika Palmer ( )

  • Member at Large
  • Liaison to:  

The Victoria Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils would like to inform you of what we think is a significant issue that emerged from this past Monday's combined SD 61 report that was included in the pack-up (see https://pub-sd61.escribemeetings.com/FileStream.ashx?DocumentId=420 pp 102-195) for the meeting. This report, "Shops in SD 61: Audit Findings and Status" indicated that district and middle school shops are significantly non-compliant with current health and safety standards and we see these findings as potentially gravely concerning. The report was to be reviewed at the board meeting that night but was pushed back and is tabled to be on the agenda for the Operations Policy meeting on the evening of January 11.

It is important to note that the district is fully aware that its middle and high school shops are not compliant with current health and safety standards. They state, "Shops in School District No. 61 are highly valued and provide relevant and engaging programming to a substantial number of students. Shops are expensive learning environments with many safety and compliance standards, and areas of responsibility. Shops are underfunded in terms of compliance, and a refresh cycle is non-existent. Shops are not yet compliant in today’s context, and require a significant investment to make them so." (pg. 107)

In the report the district says that it finds it a struggle to make sure shops can meet health and safety criteria, limit their liability, and meet operating requirements (pg 102). An estimated $12.9 million is required to bring the shops up to current standards (pg. 106) part of which includes a 12-year future funding suggestion to upgrade dust collectors as a priority(Appendix G, pg. 194). We are in complete disbelief that the shops are in this state as they pose a daily (electrical requiring updating to bring it to code, inoperable/ineffective eye wash stations, etc...) and/or potentially long-term threat (poor air quality caused by inadequate dust collectors) to students. Why has this issue not been raised prior to this week's meeting when the condition of the shops has clearly been non-compliant for years, leaving the children needlessly vulnerable to serious injury. If upgrading is a priority, why are they projecting a 12 year - plan to update essential equipment when this should be done immediately? The district appears reluctant to provide a safe environment for our children yet has a duty of care under the school act to do so.

Your VCPAC Executive is currently working on a plan moving forward.  Any updates will be posted in future editions of Snips, on the VCPAC website and through PAC email.  During weeks where there are no updates, we will not send out Snips. If your PAC email address or your PAC contacts have changed, please send updates to .