Nominations are now being accepted for the 2024/2025 VCPAC Executive. The Annual General Meeting will take place on April 9 from 7-9 pm at Sir James Douglas Elementary, as well as on Zoom. As per our Bylaws, a quorum of 15 PACs represented in the room (no proxy votes are permitted) is required to elect the new executive.
Have you considered serving on the executive? Now could be your chance, all positions are open for nomination. Please have a sponsoring PAC send in your nomination to . This should be done by the Friday before the Annual General Meeting to ensure it is received. Nominations may also be made on the floor.
Below is an outline of VCPAC's purpose and a description of each role.
Purpose of VCPAC
- to advocate for the rights and support the success of every student,
- to promote and support meaningful Parent engagement in the public education system, and
- to advise the Greater Victoria Board of Education on any matters relating to public education in School District 61
VCPAC Executive Roles:
- preside at all General, Additional and Executive Meetings of the VCPAC;
- be an ex-officio member of all VCPAC Committees except the Nominating Committee;
- be the official spokesperson for the VCPAC;
- ensure an agenda is prepared and presented at each general meeting;
- submit an annual report.
- will perform the duties of the Chair during his/her absence or upon the resignation of the Chair, until such time as the membership fills the vacancy.
- record and keep minutes of the proceedings of Executive Meetings;
- proofread draft minutes of general meetings
- receive all monies, issue receipts, and ensure the payment of authorized expenditures;
- report as required by the Executive, on the state of the VCPAC finances;
- maintain proper books of account and have them available for audit or review if required by the Executive or membership;
- prepare a budget at the direction of the Executive for Membership approval at the AGM; and
- prepare a financial report for the AGM.
Directors (5)
- serve in a capacity to be determined by the council at the time of election, and at other times as the council requires