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VCPAC Parent Education Funding

Notice for all SD61 PACs:


At the VCPAC meeting last night we discussed the usage of our budget line item for parent education and conference attendance.  In the past we had a dedicated budget line for VIPC, this year we have had to remove that line item.  H owever we have always had the parent education and conference item.  The discussion at the meeting made it clear we need to invite PACs to apply for this funding.  The funding is available for PACs to request support for parent education opportunities including sending a parent to the VIPC this year.

VIPC is planned to be a great event that will provide the means for additional parent education events at every school that sends a parent.  We encourage you do consider this opportunity to a use VCPAC funding and send a parent from your PAC. The early bird deadline is February 10th.  You can see more details at vipc.ca


The procedure to apply to our funding is to send an email to .  Tell us what you are planning and how much funding you seek.  Please include contact information we can use if we have any questions.